Let's be SOCIAL

A tad imperfect

Lately I've been struck by the magnitude in which God can use my past experiences to positively affect people and situations in my present. My testimony is full of God's grace, and it's something I'm not afraid to share...in the "right" situations.

It's not scary to share the lessons I've learned and am learning in certain groups...with my husband, with close friends, with people who share my faith, with my Sunday school class.

It's not as comfortable to share in situations where the possible reactions are unknown and where feedback isn't guaranteed. And this, my friends, is where I currently find myself.

God has brought me to this place slowly (which I am grateful for...imagine just getting thrown right in without some baby steps). First, He allowed me to write my Lipstick & Pearls column. It's something I love doing. I've become accustomed to being vulnerable in a very public place, and yet, there's still a level of comfort with that, as it is pen to paper, not face-to-face with the masses.

Next, God placed me in a large Sunday school class. Even though we all attend the same church, until we began to attend this particular class, I didn't know many of the attendees well. So often I have found myself being very thankful for this class. It's a place to share vulnerable ideas in a somewhat controlled environment.
A picture of imperfection, courtesy of Easter.

God brought me to Women's Encounter in November, a transforming time for me. (Read more HERE.)

Finally in these last months, God has required me to step it up another notch. To become vulnerable on a personal level in situations where the consequences are unknown. To take risks in my life to spread the Truth that I've internalized. To view my place in this world with missionary vision.

Yesterday I asked a few friends to pray for courage for me as I presented some truth to a teenager that God has placed on my heart. I decided it was time for the words that have constantly resurfaced in my head to be spoken out loud. Was it scary? Yes. Did it go well? If I were evaluating myself, no. The conversation I had in my head did not translate to words. It was a tad one-sided, a tad interrupted, a tad stilted. 

But I'm going to rest in obedience this time, and pray that this first conversation will open the door to others with this individual. I did what was required, even if it wasn't perfect.  

And that's what I love about the God I serve. He takes broken people. Broken testimonies. Broken conversations. He takes those things and knits them together for good. For GOOD friends! 

I am not a perfect example of faith. I am far from it! But I believe God will use my acts of obedience to spread the story of His love and grace. And I pray that I will continue to have courage even in moments of uncertainty. That God will continue to use me in my imperfection for the glory of His kingdom.


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